Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels E

How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novelsDavid Copperfield and Roll of Thunder Hear My CryRoll of Thunder Hear My Cry is a taradiddle about an African Americangirl growing up in a racist community in Mississippi during the1930s. It shows her family as they press to hold out in the racistcommunity, try to keep their land and survive on the little money theyget because of the fall in cotton prices due to the economicdepression. David Copperfield on the other hand is about a boy growingup in a mid-Victorian world. With his family dieing around him,nowhere to live and people constantly taking advantage of him, Davidalso has a hard time growing up. In Roll of thunder we break the wholestory through the eyes of Cassie and how life is for her. Whilst inDavid Copperfield the story is told by David so we provided see how he sight it happened. In this essay I am going to compare the demeanor inwhich these two young people are treated as victims and whether th eircharacters influence people to treat them inadequately.At home David has memories of a quick-witted childhood, until his niggleClara remarries to a man called Mr Murdstone who victimised him. Inthe early geezerhood of Davids existence he describes his life as beingpicture perfect. my mother and I and Peggoty-for Peggoty is quite ourcompanion my mother reads to Peggoty and me there is nonhing half asgreen as that grass David loved his childhood he rememberseverything to be idealistic which reminds us that the story is fromDavids point of view and may not be exactly how it was really. We cantell that he cherishes the time when it was only he Clara and Peggotybecause of the emotive language used by the author. When Mr Mu... ...d into her,tackling her with such motor that we both fell over and sheapologised for herself and her father Cassie devised a foul proof design to stitch Lillian Jean up. She then bribed her into not tellinganyone. Although her family are constantly vic timised she knows thatthey shouldnt be treated in that way and so wont put up with it.David and Cassie are both treated as victims throughout theirchildhoods. I think on one hand David is treated like a victim becausehe doesnt know how he should be treated and doesnt drive up forhimself and on the other Cassie is treated like a victim because sheknows how she should be treated and speaks out about it. While Davidapologises for what he has done -usually nothing- Cassie plots herrevenge. I think both stories show veridical points of view of twopeople struggling to survive their childhoods.

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