Friday, March 22, 2019

Will the Long Cable be Sound? The Ecological Impact of the Cross-Sound Cable :: Research Papers

Will the desire Cable be decease? The Ecological Impact of the Cross- profound Cable There has been an unfortunate trend in the way that people ofthe westward culture treat the milieu. Often propagation there appearto be two sides to this battle being fought by extremist perspectives.On one side stand the environmentalists who in to the highest degree cases seek toblock any move that may harm the environment, and on the some other sidestand the corporate people who seek to condone both a profitable and alogistical means to get those involved. A current battle being foughtdeals with the installation and usage of the Long Island Sound Pipeline.This project raises important issues such as the economic, social, andenvironmental immensity of the Sound, as well as the present andpossible future environmental consequences of the actions taken.All too often it appears as though if a budge which seems tobe beneficial towards humans will only effect the environment and nearly do n ot believe that effect will bring on a direct effect on humans, thenwe can chicken feed the change up to Darwins theory of evolution, implyingthat it is natural and necessary. On the other hand, if a change in theenvironment might harm or cause an inconvenience for humans, butwould be beneficial to the environment, then we suddenly do not wantto interfere with nature. Unfortunately, even some that make believe the title ofenvironmentalists have failed to step on the other side of this Hesperianwall that we have built ourselves which barricades and blinds us. Manybricks that that make up this Western wall atomic number 18 built upon the idea thathumans and nature be two separate entities, and that humans are themore significant of the two. The most frightening thing about installingthe cross-sound cable is not the peculiar(prenominal) environmental consequences,but the lack of concern that many have about the consequences.Why is it Important to Preserve the Long Island Sound ?The Long Island Sound is extremely important not only tothe ecosystems of New York and Connecticut, but to a much largerportion of the ocean than one might imagine. unmatched of the reasons for itsextreme significance is because it is an estuary. Although some animalsare permanent residents of estuaries, there are many fish and otheranimals that use the estuary as a preventive haven to protect their young. Ifthis area is not protected, many of these fish and other animals woulddie off before they were able to mature and produce offspring. If theseanimals are not able to reach sexual maturity, it will ultimately head up to

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