Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health care Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health care Management - Essay Example According to the study it is very important to evaluate whether the suggested strategies and action plans fall within the SMART category or not. It is one of the most common and efficient test for evaluating the feasibility and efficiency of any strategy or plan. In the current report, the strategies and outcomes are specific so that they pass every criteria of SMART test. The strategies identified after literature surveys are simple, easy to understand and very detailed, where a step by step approach is used for identification of the underlying issue to implementation of the appropriate solution.  From this paper it is clear that  there can be many definitions for healthcare. However, the characteristics differ with respect to its various stakeholders as well as its application in various perspectives. Health care can be described as the treatment, diagnosis as well as prevention of illness, disease, injury or other mental and physical impairments occurring in human beings. It i s practiced and offered by professionals and practitioners in optometry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, allied health as well as other health care services.  Other important attributes which can be associated with quality healthcare are ensuring support and safety in the environment, reducing morbidity and mortality and overall improvement in the value of life as well as functional health condition of patients.... Health care can be described as the treatment, diagnosis as well as prevention of illness, disease, injury or other mental and physical impairments occurring in human beings. It is practiced and offered by professionals and practitioners in optometry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, allied health as well as other health care services (Bacon, 2001). Other important attributes which can be associated with quality healthcare are ensuring support and safety in the environment, reducing morbidity and mortality and overall improvement in the value of life as well as functional heal th condition of patients (Senge and Kaeufer, 2001). Figure 1 Matrix for Healthcare (Source: Schofield, 2009). The above diagram very aptly represents healthcare management at its best. Few of the basic questions like, what and how, provide the health professionals with exact answers to their issues. In order to describe an appropriate and effective health care system, the entire process can be divided into three stages; structure, process and outcome. Structure involves features like, determining number and type of healthcare personnel, type and age of equipments as well as other facilities required for service delivery and organisational aspects such as, committee structures (Mullins, 2010). Characteristics like, safety and coverage, can also be related to structure. The next stage is process which includes activities involving receiving and providing care. It might include aspects of process indicators such as, continuity, timeliness as well as patient compliance. The third stage is outcome which includes the result of the structure and process.

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