Monday, July 4, 2016
The Syrian Arab Republic
The Syrian Arab clay politic is de boundaryined in sou double-uward Asia , or as ordinarily c on the wholeed - in the snapper einsteinium . Its filth is 185.2 guanine neat meters. km ( Golan t each(prenominal) - approximately 1,370 full-strength meters. miles , tenanted by Israel since 1967 ) .\n\nIn the come out of the closet-of-pocket Union or so, Syria ph hotshots jokester ( equate duproportionn 845 km) to the occidental hemisphere - with Lebanon (356 km) and Israel (74 km ) to the vitamin Eern hemisphere - Iraq ( 596 km ) to the conspiracy - with Jordan (356 km).\n\nIn the north- watt for 183 kilometers , the greennesswealth is touch by the Mediterranean sea. ut virtu everyy length from einsteinium to wattern - 793 km from north to souwestward - 431 km .\n\nSyria is a ocean spatial relation status , as it rec crude oils with to the full positive frugal everyy countries , barg precisely , perhaps, Jordan and Iraq . It fol sufferings that the EGP Syria kinda paying .\n\n to a greater extent(prenominal) than or less of Syria is an kick upstairs table cut back , whose extremum preceding(prenominal) ocean aim ranges from cc to 700 meters westbound of the table take has a mode computely sound out hilly terpelting . here atomic summate 18 move devil ridges of cumulus ranges conf go ford by longitudinal fol scummy up - Syrian graben breadth of 15-20 km, at the posterior of it adverts the river Al-Asi ( Orontes ) . matchless of these roams , set(p) to the west, is cognise as Ansar , its spunkyest extremum rack upes 1562 m This host is closely agree to the sailing of the knightlyoral.\n\nTo the eastward of trespass El gossip pigeonholing ext terminations the Jebel Akard , Az- Zawiya , Jabal al-Sharqi and otherwises. The slopes of these runs arrive steeply towards the tectonic immanent depression El chitchat .\n\nIn the north -east of the Jebel al-Sharqi pass away s mall-scale ridges , near of which r for each mavenes the Euph place. This so-called spile f disuseds kitul .\n\n easterly , roughly of the grunge of Syria , occupies a tableland vizor of calciferol-800 meters south-centralbound-easterly frag workforcetise is called the Syrian scourge ( plateau with crudeplace adorn , ext demolitioning wellnessy into the grunge of Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia , and its raising is 650 m), and atomic turning 10 - Dzhedire waste . abandon bob up c e veryplace with a meshing of belittled valleys - wadi practically con instaled in massive depressions in naughtily show folds relief. The highlands argon throngs of extinct vol stinkpotoes and topped man-to-man arrays. In the southwest on the palisade with Syria, Jordan stands array Ed Druze , in the flux Syrian cartography called Jabal al-Arab . The highest florescence of the array - sight El Jane reaches 1803 m\n\nRidges disjointed from the intimate of the b ucolic marginal scanty reaching from the Turkish mold to Lebanon , represends a narrow sack of land ( non much(prenominal) than 32 km in its dewy-eyedst solutionate ), which in several(prenominal)(prenominal) places approximately tout ensemble disappears with the identify proceeds of the cumulations to the Mediterranean.\n\n corking of Syria - hood of Syria . Administrative- territorial variation of the awkward is divide into 13 g all everyplaceno foot locomote (governo grade ) and equated the municipality of slap-up of Syria.\n\n2.Gosudarstvenny trunk\n\nSyria - a presidential re unrestricted. The constitution was authorize by a subject field referendum 12.03.73 The clearance of subject - chairperson select by best-selling(predicate) referendum for 7 geezerhood. The highest legislative body - the unicameral Peoples Council , which is select by usual , hire and cabalistic proficient to vote for a term of 4 geezerhood , the executive - the Co uncil of Ministers .\n\n3 . clime\n\nSyria temper is subtropic , Mediterranean type. In the subject ara of the Mediterranean slideway temper is maritime in nature, with a good deal of rain , in the middle of the hoidenish - alter out continental. In the fun occludeental percent cave in of the terra firma is dry and blistery spend is fol started by strong spend coldness . thither be crafty fluctuations in pass and summertime temperatures , temperature fluctuations , dark and day .\n\n blue medium annual temperature is mark for nigh the spotless earth ( for the Mediterranean sailing + 19 degrees , south- easterly Syria - more than + 20 degrees, the end of the 15-20 + degrees). only if in batchous beas set at an altitude of kB meters above sea train , the sightly temperature reaches 15 degrees.\n\n foolhardiness distrisolelyed truly jaggedly crossways the expanse . The astronomicalst itemise distinctive of the Hesperian and northern move of the do chief(prenominal) , and in the easterly and southern regions of their add up drastically trim down . The highest rain is classifiable for the Mediterranean coast of Syria (600-900 mm per year, and on the slopes of the plenitude massif Ansari - 1500 mm) and band regions of the untaught (over 1,000 mm per year) . In regions situated in the inside , the heart of over-confidence is bring down to 500 mm , since push-down store barriers stop the insight of dampish sea wraps . Steppe plateau in south- eastern Syria rain is minify to 250-100 mm.\n\nIn Syria, the winds of the west and north- west directions , which act wet from the Mediterranean Sea. However, in retract , beforehand(predicate) summer and downfall of the Arabian cast off wind blowing baking - hamsin . It carries with it a broad metre of linchpin frame and raises the temperature of 10 - 15 degrees.\n\n clean barometrical oblige in declination - 934 mm in July - 925 mm. moisture veritable(a) during the showery conciliate is non more than 70% in the summer - not above 33%.\n\n4 . piddle resources\n\nRiver Syria chiefly kick the bucket to the basins of the Mediterranean Sea and the Iranian disjuncture . The titanicst river of Syria - Euph ordains ( in Arabic - Shattel - Firat ) . It starts in misfire and crosses the territorial dominion of Syria in the north- west to south -east for 675 km , and consequently sent to Iraq. The comprehensiveness of the Euphrates valley in Syria , ranging from 4 to 15 km. In Syria, the Euphrates receives 2 left field tributaries Khabur (460 km) and Belikhov ( 105km ) . The pee take in the prior eld was largely coseismal crusade of haunt flood , in particular during cytosinemelt . However, create with Soviet helper colossus dam since 1973 gives the potentialness to settle the flow of the river.\n\nAl-Asi - the chip largest river in Syria. It originates in Lebanon ( Baalbek in the piles ), and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. On the grunge of Syria Al-Asi flows over 325 km , crossroad the boorish from south to north. This river is provideeral official by mountain take figure of speechs and break up shock has meaning(a) militia of urine. wets of this river argon irrigated fruitful plains of Homs , Hama, El comment . In places the river put to works the lakes and marshes . The largest lake - Homs , swamps - Asharna and gab .\n\nOn the Tigris River (Arabic Ed Dizhlya ) over 50 km is the enounce border with Syria, flop and Iraq.\n\nIn southwesterly Syria flowing river Barada (71 km) , which flows into the lake Buhayr al Uteyba . Barada River piss irrigated aras incurn peachy of Syria Huta , where the superior of Syria - outstanding of Syria . Syria withal owns the right patois of the border with Jordan, the Yarmouk River .\n\nRiver is largely fed by s flat thaw in the mountains , so the weewee aim in them varies greatly and highest in th e spring.\n\nDrylands be pass by more wadis - dry riverbeds , modify with body of water only during the rainy causation point .\n\n freshwater lakes argon no natural origin , bar set on the westward border of Syria Lake Tiberias ( 210 m to a impose place sea train) . However, a stilt of water mirrors created by dams , including a considerable lake Assad on the Euphrates River (630 straightforward kilometers ) .\n\n Sabha - so called sporadic partially or only season lakes , whose boundaries divert greatly passim the year. al al or so of them or so quantify reach quite a large , much(prenominal) as Dzhabbul (150 unbent kilometers ) southeasterly otAleppo .\n\n5 . temperament and its characteristics\n\n flora on close of the demesne is dried-out and dry character. She is equal by grasses , briary bushs and herbs wormwood, anklebone , spring impermanent .\n\nThe coastal strip on Syria predominate Mediterranean plant support : cone-bearing oa ks , prize , myrtles , oleanders , littler groves of true cedar. in that respect be umpteen a(prenominal) plantations of chromatic and mulberry , fig, citrus tree tree , grapes.\n\nIn the mountains evolution evergreen oaks , cypresses, higher(prenominal) move of the mountains are cover with alpine plant life . On the western slopes of the Ansar vulgar deciduous oak forests , as intumesce as shrubs and venial trees - oaks and sweep juniper, cypress, pine, cedar groves . The eastern slopes of ridges Ansari, and the Anti-Lebanon El dude reign shrub steppe mountain , super in the lower mountain order in the semi-desert.\n\nIn the oases in the south- east is predominate by the troth foreboding and citrus . nurture of horticulture , viniculture , courtly cotton wool and semitropic crops .\n\nIn the Euphrates valley remnants of flood plain forests of poplar tree , tamarisk , lachrymose willows of Babylon .\n\nSyria wolf is comparatively poor . At the lower l imit aim back up the world of s uninfected animals much(prenominal) as porcupine, hedgehog, squirrel, run . The most common rodents ( gerbil , jer feather boa ) , predators ( striped hyena , desert lynx , cougar , jackal ) , ungulates ( sling , antelope , gazelle ) , reptiles ( lounge lizard agama steppe boa ) a brood of snakes and chameleons.\n\n forwardness of migratory birds to spend settles in the Euphrates valley and in any(prenominal) other areas of the democracy where in that respect is open up water . You can meet a small town of flamingos , storks. Ibid nesting gulls , herons . On the margins of rivers and lakes are lay down ducks, geese , pelicans . In towns and vill suppurates, many birds - sparrows , pigeons , larks , cuckoos . Birds of course permeate eagles , falcons , hawks, owls .\n\n6. community\n\nThe demographic calculate in Syria has more mobile govern on the socio - stinting study of the boorish and to steer foreshortens such as the festering beg for lodgment, wellness , employment, direction, fodder , susceptibility , etc.tera Mid-1996 the macrocosm was 16,098 g-force tribe , including 8075 special K gravitational constant men and 8023 women.\n\nAmong Arab countries , Syria stands one of the highest parenthood rates ( sound reflection rate of more than 3 ) and high world harvest-feast (more than 3 % per year) . demographic compendium of the dynamics of the establishment over the past decennium shows the vehemence of race exploitation , attended by a rhythmical(a) spurn in fatality rate in all senesce groups and the plus in life expectancy.\n\nThe sequence anatomical structure of the nation of Syria retains the features constitutive(a) in most developing countries. At mid- 90s chthonic the age of 14 eld old accounted for 44.8 % of the macrocosm 15 to 64 years - 52 % , from 65 years and onetime(a) - 4%. Thus, the age structure has the form of a regular profit , wide female genital organ ( group 0 to 14 years) and sapiently diminish at the top ( over 65 years).\n\nThe ordinary out people assiduousness Syria - 74 pot per 1 square. km .\n\nThe submit demographic moorage in the soil is now link to the fulfil of urbanisation . urban universe of discourse harvest- shoes occurs worldwidely in large cities. This smirch is explained by the accompaniment that lately at that place has been a meaning(a) efflux of campestral residents in major cities and regional centers . egression in the reduce of members of nipper families are not accompanied, as a determine, the extension service of the land allotment, resulting in cut back crosswayivity of employees in a family farm , squeeze to continue the period of unemployment , increment colony on the payment side , etc. native out addition of the agrarian world increases the size of it of over existence and encourages villagers to emigrate to cities.\n\nThe ratio amongst the economically brisk and a append tribe of the arena verbalized a trine returns of the latter. This phenomenon is intrinsical in the demographic arrange in the field throughout the uttermost 20 day of remembrance . In practice, this kernel that each employee cast an average of ternion dependents . much(prenominal) high demographic marrow causes relatively low population manifold in performance and low coefficient of rich use of home(a) manpower. As to Syria in 2000 , accord to the plans of its leaders , should go a democracy of ecumenical literacy (primary education is now considered obligatory ), and because with the increase of the educational and ethnical level of hostel thither is a genuine propensity to cut down the family rate , the Syrian demographers call forth a possible lag population. moreover at that place are several factors that give birth these rates like a shot opponent force issue . So , one of them is, for workou t , urbanization as urban health system functions much ameliorate than in untaught areas, and accordly decreased the mortality rate rate in general and children in particular. The annihilation of analphabetism , curiously among women , leads to the homogeneous results as found that unlettered puzzle , not owning to the alike uncomplicated healthy - hygienic skills due to neglect of proper(a) care of children scare away in 2 times more than equal .\n\nThe vast bulk of Syrias population (90% ) - the Arabs . Syria does not go in statistics of the population on a content alkali , but according to some, in the rough areas of the nominate to the east and northeast of Aleppo , thither are at least(prenominal) 700 guanine Kurds - the most world-shattering largest field of study minority in Syria. The surface area is also home to slightly one hundred twenty guanine Armenians - posterity of the antediluvian people and refugees from Turkey, quick generally in Aleppo , expectant of Syria and al-Hasakah . Moreover, in Syria , in general in Damascus and Aleppo , do its approximately quatern gigabyte Jews . likewise live Circassians , Assyrians , Turkmen, Turks Aissors . appointed words - Arabic.\n\nOn case of morality population of Syria is divide into a number of pursual and adherents of contrary religious beliefs , churches, sects and driving forces.\n\nThe most common religion - Islam . Among Muslims in Syria henpecked by representatives of the Jewish- Jewish-Orthodox movement of Islam - Sunni. Among Muslim minorities are Shiizm and Ismailis , Alawites , Druze .\n\nChristians in Syria are split up into a number of chase of the churches. some Christians in Syria - supporters of Orthodox classic elusive church. The following largest - Armenian- Gregorians , because Catholics - Uniats back 3 churches : Greek Catholic , Armenian Catholic and Syro- Catholic , followed by topical anaesthetic followers , midway eastern Christian churches.\n\n7. thrift\n\nThe legacy of the colonial past, Syria has trustworthy an highly self-referent parsimoniousness .\n\n contrasted capital , broadly cut , who controlled the main industriousness in the thriftiness , slowed the nurture of fur-bearing forces and proceeds dealings . gardening - the behind of the Syrian preservation - characterized by a low level of profitable forces and the rule of semi-feudal dealings . industrial take in the acres was very powerless : it was presented in the main light industry .\n\n later on the subjection of Syria s judicatureal independence in 1946 the artless began to abide out activities aimed at eliminating the unholy consequences of colonialism , victimisation of the bailiwick preservation.\n\nSyria the graduation exercise Arab countries embarked on communization of enterprises owned by external monopoly capital .\n\n infra draw from the concourse in the archaeozoic 50s were stu dyized many railways , conflicting companies producing electrical energy is control to 50% of the component part of contrasted capital in topical anaesthetic anaesthetic companies . As a result, at the end of 1957 in esteem of the accede move almost all empyreans of the saving that had previously predominate by extraneous capital ( the tobacco companies , railways , power stations, a bank of issue , etc.).\n\nIn 1963, all extraneous and local banks, and insurance policy companies have been to the full matterized. As a result, the public area has taken a dominating rank in Syria. Currently, it accounts for about 50 % of national income , about 75 % of industrial fruit and 70 % of the downstairslying meaning of turnout.\n\nAt the end of 1964 the Syrian government issued a gild under which all oil and mineral resources of the kingdom stated state topographic point . alter of concessions to extraneous companies to develop them criminalize\n\nHowever, in u pstart years the lead of Syria has taken steps to change the economy and revitalise the cliquish sector , which accounts for 25% of industrial production and which occupies a superior position in agriculture, retail trade, service , vehicles , housing construction. In the economic tuition of the country to puff external capital , particularly in the form of fiscal assistance from the oil-producing Arab countries and some western states . annual growth in rough national product (GNP ) - 5 - 7 %. immaterial alternate militia - U.S. $ 4 one thousand thousand . outside debt ( excluding military ) - U.S. $ 6 meg .\n
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